It has been a few weeks now since we were in the hot Nevada desert and readjusted to more reasonable climates. But the hype from FlightSimExpo 2024 remains with us still. Without a doubt, it was the biggest and busiest showing yet in terms of people, developers and announcements.
The Weekend
It has been confirmed that 2,440 people registered for the 2024 show in Las Vegas, with a further 343 viewing the online content at home. That’s a staggering number and the biggest to date. Considering the range of developers and exhibitors, it is no surprise that this show continues to draw in huge crowds.

Looking back, it was a jam-packed, enjoyable, busy, but exciting weekend. Friday really kicked off in a big way with back-to-back announcements in the gigantic seminar hall. it is clear that the team has really ramped up production, with many seamless transitions for developers to speak about their upcoming products. All the speakers used their time effectively to discuss upcoming products before than saying anyone who wanted to learn more could find them at their show in some way.
It was truly fantastic to see developers take the Friday seminar session seriously. To be frank, we have seen some poor efforts in the past, but this year really blew that out the water. Mark your calendars developers for next year and use this time effectively to really generate hype and buzz. FlightSimExpo 2024 should be earmarked in your calendar as a goal post for any project you’re working on.
The seminar session was followed nicely by a wonderful food and drinks session kindly sponsored by iniBuilds. This session was a great way to meet like-minded people, catch up with old friends and build on the sense of community. Behind the scenes, exhibitors were building their booths in preparation for the big exhibition hall reveal on Saturday morning.
As the doors opened at 9am sharp, a flurry of simmers entered the hall ready to try new software and hardware. A few surprises were on display including FSS’ 727, WinWing’s newly announced hardware, and even Honeycomb Aeronautical’s Nikki was there to talk about the Charlie Rudder pedals.
Soon after the show opened, our stage kicked off with iniBuilds, TFDi Design, YawMan, Parallel 42 and more. We had never hosted a stage before to this extent and was a really great opportunity. We learned a lot of lessons, but overall felt the attendees enjoyed being part of our interviews or panels. If you were there, tell us what you thought!

As the weekend continued, it was clear that people really appreciated trying new hardware. There was so much for everyone to do all weekend long. One thing I’ve always felt in the past is how Sunday felt like a more relaxed and lesser day. Whilst it was quieter (generally is), there felt enough to see and play with to really justify the day – more so than previous years. You could get a space in the VR experience center, try the new hardware from all the vendors, and even had the chance to win a PC.
Even though Sunday was winding down, the enthusiasm for the future of flight simulation is as bright as ever. The advent of all these technical changes for simulators this year, the improved use of AI, and more and more affordable hardware, really is encouraging for the whole community.
A Celebration for the Community
FlightSimExpo has always felt like a celebration for the community. Bringing people together after a year apart is always magical and Vegas served as a great backdrop. That said, whilst I personally love Vegas, I felt there was a bit of connection lost. With so many venues and places to see/go, there was no real central point for the community to meet. Whereas in Houston, with a bit more limitations, it meant that it was easy to always hang out with people from the community. I hope that feeling returns for FlightSimExpo 2025 in a different location that isn’t the self-proclaimed entertainment capital of the world.
Focusing now on 2025
We are less than a year until FlightSimExpo 2025 and we already get the sense that developers and publishers are considering their options. They see the potential in this show, they see how important it is to simmers, and they are really beginning to see the business benefits too.
If you’re thinking about it, start the planning now. FlightSimExpo 2025 is taking place on June 27-29 in Providence at the Rhode Island Convention Center.
Some Thoughts from the Rest of FSElite
It seemed to be a great turnout and we had some really fun interactions with the community manning the booth. A portion of people i interacted with were unfamiliar with FSElite, so we should definitely continue getting the word out. However, many people came up and said “I love your site’s content!” so that was encouraging to hear as well.
This was definitely the year for hardware – maybe due to some apprehension from developers about what’s coming for FS2024. That said, airliners are still very well represented by addon developers, which seems to be what people want.
Overall, I’m proud to be part of the team and think the accomplishments of a fairly small team group is really amazing.

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Matt Ashwood
FSExpo Las Vegas 2024 was my first FSExpo and it was awesome. Being surrounded by fellow flight simulation and aviation enthusiasts was a real treat. The new friends and great memories I have made made it a truly amazing experience, I can’t wait for the next one!
It was great being able to interact with so many people whose names, or usernames, I know but faces I don’t. An individual came to the show who helped me get my start in the FS media space over a decade ago and we were able to meet in person for the first time.
The experience of being able to help run the FSElite Stage and get all the technical pieces fit together was also great! It was very satisfying to pull off for the first time, especially with minimal hiccups. The crowd was huge this year and you could feel the excitement in the air for new products and previews. It felt like everyone had their enjoyment of their job or hobby reinvigorated and boosted.
Jordan Williams
Seeing the expo in full force is always a great achievement from the ever growing community, even given the struggles that the FSA team experienced. What is evident to me, among the usual faces of those exhibiting at the show, and also, the hoards of people that travel across the US, is the growing number of new faces in the crowd. Maybe it’s the lure of the lights of Las Vegas, but the number of people that travelled far and wide, to visit the show was astounding.
We heard from Evan, in the opening statements, that 24% of visitors to the show were also new to flight simulation. This encapsulates the vast growth we are still seeing in the community and also one of my favourite things of the show, making new connections. With a growing community, we all benefit from competition within hardware and software developers, each bringing their own spin on their product lines.

My personal favourites sit within the hardware space. Seeing a big name from the racing simulation scene, break into the flight simulation market like MOZA has done, makes me really excited. Many simmers from one realm, also bridge into another and seeing new brands like MOZA do the same says something about the status we have as a community. Not only are they aiming to take on the likes of Virpil and thrustmaster, they are also forging their own way into the force feedback space that many of us, wish more hardware developers would do. Trying their product, made of 100% aluminium construction, that gave me a big whack of force when I put the spitfire into a spin, put a huge smile on my face. Many of their products will come with native support for your favourite sim, as well as customisability to fit your setup, is something that I think so many simmers will appreciate and something I hope to see more of in the future.
Next year, it makes me really excited to see how far the community will grow, given the excellent prospects of MSFS2024, new developers and meeting new entrants to our awesome community.
Our Content
This was by far our most successful year for content! Over 70 articles were tagged with ‘FlightSimExpo 2024‘ over the past year, with at least 30 of them happening on FSExpo Friday/Saturday. We are thankful to those developers who provided us details to help ensure we remained the leader in providing FlightSimExpo coverage via our Hub Page.
Not only that, but there is 30 videos in our FlightSimExpo 2024 playlist on YouTube that covers booth interviews and our on-stage content. We hope you find some time to watch back this and learn more about the various developers we spoke to.
Your Feedback Is Vital
We know that we will be in Providence next summer for FlightSimExpo 2025. Our team is already hard at work planning what we will bring to the tablet then, but we want to hear from you.
Complete our Google Form and let us know!