Flightbeam Biarritz Airport Now Available for MSFS

Flightbeam Biarritz has been released for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Developed by Dreamflight Studios, developers of Teterboro, the airport is a recreation of the French airport in impressive detail. The airport hosts a number of domestic and international…

Flightbeam Biarritz Airport Now Available for MSFS

Flightbeam Biarritz has been released for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Developed by Dreamflight Studios, developers of Teterboro, the airport is a recreation of the French airport in impressive detail. The airport hosts a number of domestic and international routes from a variety of airlines but also sees plenty of traffic from local aviation schools. Furthermore, the Dassault Aviation Hangar sees numerous private jets visit on a regular basis. Whilst the current pandemic has seen a dramatic fall in passenger numbers, at its peak, the airport saw in excess of a million passengers each year.

Developers Dreamflight Studios has included a number of features to create a realistic rendition of the airport. From the full PBR usage throughout to the crisp and high-definition textures of buildings, ground markings and airport imagery. Furthermore, a detailed FBO for small aircraft operations is included which is great for those looking to take some aircraft to the busy French airport. Dreamflight has also included a range of custom ground vehicles, clutter objects and static aircraft, all of which have been optimised for good performance throughout the scenery.

As we mentioned the other day, Flightbeam is aware there are alternative scenery products available for Biarritz Airport in Microsoft Flight Simulator, they feel this product represents the “best of the best” when compared.

If you are looking to pick up Flightbeam Biarritz Airport (LFBZ) for Microsoft Flight Simulator, you can do so from Flightbeam’s store or on the Contrail App.


  • Realistic/High-Quality Ground textures
  • Full PBR material
  • Ultra crisp, hi-def textures rendered up to 4096×4096 resolution
  • Accurate building models/textures
  • Detailed airport parking lots
  • Detailed FBO for small aircraft operations
  • Realistic night lighting, with hand placed, illuminated floodlights and glows
  • Custom animated Flightbeam jetways with accurate placement and hood animation
  • Static Aircraft with PBR
  • Detailed airport surroundings
  • Custom Ground Vehicles
  • Custom clutter objects
  • Custom taxiway signs
  • Highly optimized
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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