Flightbeam, Aeroplane Heaven and More Confirm Microsoft Flight Simulator Development

Alongside the likes of Orbx, Gaya Simulations and others, new developers have today confirmed that they are working on products for the new Microsoft Flight Simulator. First up is Flightbeam Studios, who is also celebrating…

Flightbeam, Aeroplane Heaven and More Confirm Microsoft Flight Simulator Development

Alongside the likes of Orbx, Gaya Simulations and others, new developers have today confirmed that they are working on products for the new Microsoft Flight Simulator.

First up is Flightbeam Studios, who is also celebrating their 10th birthday. 10 years ago, Flightbeam began creating San Francisco (Legacy), but today they are confirming they are officially developing for the new Microsoft simulator. In the Facebook post, they said the development has been “in full swing for some time” and added that they “belive this is the next-generation platform and will be for the foreseeable future.” Some highly encouraging words there from one of the leading scenery developers.

A partner of Flightbeam, iBlueYonder, announced that they too will be developing for the new simulator. The announcement, made a few days ago, was kept short and sweet but again another developer to add to the growing list of confirmed devs supporting the platform.

Finally, aircraft developer Aeroplane Heaven also has commented on the new simulator. Whilst they are unable to talk about which products, aircraft and anything else related, they wanted to let the community know they too are excited to be developing for the platform and the “amazing new world.”

In an email seen by FSElite, it has also been confirmed that developers are now able to confirm that they are working on projects, just that they are unable to show anything off at this time. However, their NDA remains in effect other than detailing what is already in the public domain. With that in mind, we should see other developers confirm their plans. Very soon, we’ll round up all the details into a single place.

Developers seem excited for the new platform and we are excited to see what they have to bring to the table. Stay tuned to FSElite for more information.

Have you seen the confirmed aircraft list or even the confirmed hand-crafted airport list?

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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