Flight1 Citation Mustang Update

The Citation Mustang is a small, yet popular business jet that hardly needs an introduction. Flight1 had previously created an excellent rendition of this plane, and now it received a new update. The update, that…

Flight1 Citation Mustang Update

The Citation Mustang is a small, yet popular business jet that hardly needs an introduction. Flight1 had previously created an excellent rendition of this plane, and now it received a new update. The update, that goes by the name of ‘version 2’, adds Prepar3D v4 compatibility (64 bit) as well as a few new features. Also new is that the installer now comes in a complete, all-in-one installer that covers all of the platforms the plane was previously available on (FSX, P3Dv3).

The updated version comes with enhanced and additional lighting features that are only available on P3Dv4. The G1000, which is included in this aircraft, also received some updates. These updates are available for all platforms. You can get the update through the Flight1 Citation Mustang product page.


Prepar3D v4

  • Dynamic lighting for landing lights, beacons
  • Dimmable panel
  • Gauges compiled to 64-bit format

All Versions

  • Added airways to the G1000 – ability to load airways and draw them
  • Other small improvements to the G1000, loading procedures
  • panel.cfg pop-ups now reflect 16:9 screen ratio



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