Flight Simulator Show Presentation Lineup Announced

With a month to go until Flight Simulator Show 2019 takes place in Cosford, the show’s organisers have finally shared the presentation lineup. A very welcome overview for those that are still deciding on coming.…

Flight Simulator Show Presentation Lineup Announced

With a month to go until Flight Simulator Show 2019 takes place in Cosford, the show’s organisers have finally shared the presentation lineup. A very welcome overview for those that are still deciding on coming. The show is held over two days, with plenty of presentations to be looking forward to on both days.

On Saturday, Magknight will kick the day off with a look at what’s coming for instruments and external developer API’s. This is followed by none other than our very own Calumwho will tell newcomers to flight simulation how they can get started in their sim. Saturday will also see Orbx, who will share more of their roadmap and development updates. They also have a special surprise ready, according to the schedule.

Following Orbx is JustFlight, with a look at the 747 Classic and Global Traffic X-Plane, as well as details on other projects. After that is HoneyComb, with a talk on consumer flight simulation and real world flying. The day (presentation-wise) is closed by Laminar Research, who will share more about X-Plane 11 and the 11.40 update in particular.

On Sunday, the day will be kicked off by Infinite Flight. They will present what is coming for their mobile simulator. This is followed by the same presentation from the previous day from Laminar Research, who will in turn be followed by Aerosoft. Aerosoft will take us into the world of X-Plane and preview the new SAMv2 module.

Closing the day is ProSim, with an update on their products, and Orbx, with the same presentation from the day before.

All in all, there are plenty of presentations on both days to look forward to.

You can buy tickets directly from the Flight Sim Show website. Weekend tickets are just £18, which grants you access to the whole weekend, a goody bag and the chance to explore the RAF museum. Single-day tickets are £10, which give you same access and goody bags on a day of your choosing.

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