Flight Sim Labs Announces A330; MSFS Plans and More

Flight Sim Labs confirm commitment to MSFS whilst revealing their next aircraft.

Flight Sim Labs Announces A330; MSFS Plans and More

Flight Sim Labs have broken a period of silence with the latest news about their upcoming developments and what simmers can expect from them in the future. CEO Lefteris Kalamaras took to the forums to confirm future plans, including a new A330 and Microsoft Flight Simulator development.

Starting with MSFS plans, Lefteris said that they have taken time to “investigate the best possible way to bring our product family into the new platform while maintaining a common code base that still keeps a high level of realism and fidelity as regards the flight model characteristics our customer base has been used to up to now.” During this period of time, the Flight Sim Labs team has also grown in terms of the number of developers and support staff to develop products in parallel.

In terms of what aircraft are coming to Microsoft Flight Simulator, Lefteris said that they are working on bringing the A320-X Master Series of products to the platform. This will also include the A320 NEO. As confirmed a few months ago, Flight Sim Labs is hard at work on the A320 NEO, which will be made available on Prepar3D initially.

Along with the A320-X series, Flight Sim Labs are planning on bringing the Concorde to Microsoft Flight Simulator in the future. To confirm, Concorde will release first on Prepar3D. What is exciting about Concorde is that we will see more previews of the title soon as it will enter “beta testing in the next six to eight weeks!

Perhaps one of the biggest pieces of news to come from the forum post is the confirmation of what the secret A3XX product is that Flight Sim Labs has been teasing for years now. Lefteris has confirmed that it is the Airbus A330. No further information was given at this time, but it more news will come later on.

There is also some news for those who own the A319/A320/A321 WTF (wing tip fence) aircraft. A new update will be made available in the next few hours that will bring new features such as improved FMGC logic. If you own the Sharklet models of the A320/A321, this update will also add the onboard EFB and Jump Ahead feature to your WTF aircraft.

That sums up the update from Lefteris for today. You can follow all the latest Flight Sim Labs news here at FSElite.

More From:   Flight Sim Labs
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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