First Look: FSFX Packages / OldProp 717 Immersion Package Beta

With the recent announcement of the 717 Immersion pack, we had a chance to check out the beta. Produced By: The Flight Sim Deck _______________________________________ Software _______________________________________ Prepar3D V4.3 Orbx Global Orbx Vector PTA…

First Look: FSFX Packages / OldProp 717 Immersion Package Beta

With the recent announcement of the 717 Immersion pack, we had a chance to check out the beta.

Produced By: The Flight Sim Deck
Prepar3D V4.3
Orbx Global
Orbx Vector
PTA (Matt Davies Preset)
Active Sky 16
Rex 4 Texture Direct w/ Soft Clouds
FSFX Packages Chase Plane
i7 4790k Quadcore oc 4.3ghz
Geforce GTX 1080 TI
Geforce GTX TitanX
16gb RAM 2400mhz
2TB Hard Drive
Windows 10 x64
Saitek Rudder pedals, throttle, and yoke

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Patrick Moore
Patrick, our most senior video producer, joined FSElite in 2016, and serves as the video content manager. He has a passion for aviation film making and photography. First debuting on YouTube as The Flight Sim Deck in 2015, Patrick has grown his channel to nearly 40,000 subscribers. He enjoys flying all types of aircraft from airliners, props, gliders, and helicopters.
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