Newcomer Final Approach Design Simulation has shared on their Facebook page a significant preview of their first project, the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport Dhaka (VGHS), in Bangladesh. The scenery is currently under development for Prepar3D V4.4+ and V5. A Microsoft Flight Simulator version is also in the works, and the developer stated they would then work on an FSX and finally an X-Plane variant no sooner than 2021. The airport features a detailed modeling, and the team is almost done finishing modeling the terminal, which they say is the hardest part of the modeling. The following screenshots display the scenery and modeling as it currently is in their development software.
Expected release date is around October 2020.
Expected Feature List
- Full custom satellite and ground poly.
- Highly detailed and accurate model.
- PBR optimized textures (P3DV4.4+)
- 2K/4K textures for all objects
- Custom apron lights and dynamic lighting (P3DV4/V5)
- FPS Friendly
- Custom hand placed Auto-gen
- Custom vegetation