Farming Simulator 2017 Gets ROPA DLC; Official Expansion 2

Many Farm-Sim users will be eager to hear this long-awaited news. It has been announced that ROPA will now be partnering with Giants Software to bring their products to Farming Simulator 2017 and beyond. As…

Farming Simulator 2017 Gets ROPA DLC; Official Expansion 2

Many Farm-Sim users will be eager to hear this long-awaited news. It has been announced that ROPA will now be partnering with Giants Software to bring their products to Farming Simulator 2017 and beyond. As of today, a DLC pack including a wide variety of ROPA vehicles is hitting both the online stores as well as physical store shelves alongside the much anticipated Official Expansion 2 for Farming Simulator 2017.

This new DLC is going to set you back $7.99 from the Giants Software store as a standalone expansion, or $20 if you opt to go with the full Official Expansion 2 package, which includes the KUHN equipment pack and the Big Bud pack. This expansion pack can only be found on physical store shelves though, so you better gas up the tractor and get going to the local big box store. The full press release can be found here:

ROPA DLC for PC/Mac, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One…

Today, Farming Simulator 17 gets bigger and adds a new vehicle brand – ROPA – to its long list of famous farming constructors. ROPA DLC comes with new impressive vehicles and equipment that will help you expand your farm and bring sugar beet and potato harvesting to a whole new level. This DLC is available today for download on Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC. The ROPA DLC is also included in the Season Pass offer on consoles.

…and Official Add-On 2 for PC

PC players will also be able to get these new vehicles and equipment in their favorite retail stores, as ROPA DLC is part of the brand new Official Expansion 2 for Farming Simulator 17 releasing today. The Official Expansion 2 gathers all the DLCs released to date for the game, bringing an incredible amount of new brands, adding 35+ vehicles and equipment tools to your Farming Simulator 17:


  • ROPA Pack
  • KUHN Equipment Pack
  • Big Bud Pack


PC players eager to create and add new content to the game will also be pleased to discover it also includes the PDF versions of the Official e-books ‘Farming Simulator Modding For Dummies’ and ‘The Art of Modding’. Also discover a Behind the Scenes video of the making of Farming Simulator 17 and a series of tutorial videos about modding.


The ROPA DLC is now available for download on PC/MAC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

The Official Expansion 2 for Farming Simulator 17 is now available in retail on PC.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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