Microsoft has released the latest in its Famous Flyer series: the Boeing 707-320C jet airliner. The 707 is famous for marking Boeing’s entry into the jet age and revolutionizing the way we travel. The airliner also serves as the patriarch of the manufacturer’s 7×7 jet lineup that continues to this day. Now, you can relive history and experience the venerable quad-jet on your own in Microsoft Flight Simulator.
First flown on December 20, 1957, the Boeing 707 was a long-range jet airliner that transformed the aviation industry and helped usher in the jet age. Its distinctive swept-wing design and powerful jet engines allowed for non-stop flights across the world, revolutionizing air travel. With its spacious interior and comfortable seating, the 707 offered passengers a new level of luxury and convenience.

For its Famous Flyer #10, Microsoft chose the Boeing 707-320C variant of the classic jet. Introduced in 1963, the Boeing 707-320C was the final version of the 707 line (the “C” designation indicated a convertible passenger-freighter version of the aircraft). Powered by four Pratt & Whitney JT3D low-bypass turbofan engines, the jetliner had a range of 3,337 miles (5,370 km) and cruised at 525 knots. Microsoft’s 707-320C Famous Flyer comes with six liveries: Boeing delivery, World Travel, Pacifica, Orbit, Emerald Harbor, and PanAm.

Famous Flyer #10, the Boeing 707-320C, was developed in partnership with Aeroplane Heaven and is available in the in-sim marketplace for $14.99. No feature list was shared with the product.