Developer Emerald Scenery Design has updated their Solomon Islands X package to version 0.57. Despite having been a project in the works for over 5 years, the team has made a lot of progress over the years. This update brings improvements to the island landscaping, additional roads, houses and other objects and bug fixes throughout.
Many improvements have been made near both Gizo (AGGN) and Munda (AGGM) airports, with reworked terrain and additional objects scattered throughout.
The developers said that as 2019 continues, we’ll see a bunch of new updates further enhancing the product.
You can get it now as freeware from the developer’s website.
What’s new in v0.57?
- Added more LC coverage near AGGF.
- Added roads, trails and streams back to QMID areas 9036 and 9235.
- Added annotated autogen bushes to custom Landclass grass textures.
- Fixed a bug in QMID area 9035 where a small water poly area was inverted.
- Fixed an issue where new vector data did not display on in-sim maps. (When using SolX vector)
- Fixed an issue where default freeway cars were still visible in some areas.
- Updated OSM base vector data for Kolombangara island. (This data is more refined than what we originally had available)
- Made some accuracy improvements to new base vector, focusing on larger inaccuracies.
- Reworked Terrain excludes, splitting excludes into QMID regions.
- Updated configurator for compatibility with new exclude changes.
- Made some vector improvements around AGGH.
- Improved vector for islands near AGGN.
- Improved vector for many islands near and around AGGM.
- Minor vector improvements to Rennell Island for compatibility with roads, trails and streams.
- Minor vector improvements to Nendo Island for compatibility with roads, trails and streams.
SolX Airports
- Added Kukudu Airport (AGKU)
- Added Aropa [Kieta] Airport (AYIQ)
- Honiara Intl /Henderson Field (AGGH)
- Updated radio frequencies.
- Adjusted positioning of hangers near helipad1.
- Babanakira [old] (AGGI)
- Removed all default information data. (Because AGGI was changed to AGGD)
- Choiseul (AGGC) is now known as Taro Island.