Eiger Park 3D Released for X-Plane 11

Developers, Frank Dainese and Fabio Bellini have released their Eiger Park 3D add-on for X-Plane 11. 3D Eiger Park is a fascinating scenery concentrated on the area surrounding the 13,024ft mountain Eiger in Southern Switzerland. Included with the add-on…

Eiger Park 3D Released for X-Plane 11

Developers, Frank Dainese and Fabio Bellini have released their Eiger Park 3D add-on for X-Plane 11.

3D Eiger Park is a fascinating scenery concentrated on the area surrounding the 13,024ft mountain Eiger in Southern Switzerland.

Included with the add-on is about 500 sq/km of coverage, airports and heliports, fully reconstructed villages, three iconic mountains and more which can be found in the features list at the end of this article.

You can grab a hold of Eiger Park 3D from the X-Plane.org store for a price of $24.95 (Excl. VAT) for X-Plane 11.


  • About 500 square kilometres of territory covered in this package
  • Airports and Heliports
  • Two virtual airports are included with a grass runway: in Grindelwald (about 800 meters long) and  Lauterbrunnen (700 meters)
  • 10 heliports located in areas of naturalistic and tourist interest.
  • All the villages in the area have been reconstructed in 3D with about 70 types of buildings typical of the area, as well as many buildings
  • reproduced from real (hotels, stations, churches …)
  • All the ski lifts have also been rebuilt (16).
  • The railway stations in the area are very detailed (Kleine-Scheidegg, Grindelwald, Wengen, Lauterbrunnen)
  • The Eiger reproduced in 3D with 4K texture of the North Face.
  • For the Monch and the Jungfrau, polygons/textures have been positioned that reproduce the real colour (summer season).
  • The whole area is covered by polygons / HD textures for a very sharp and accurate view.
  • The whole residential area has night textures.
  • Scenery summer season
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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