Dominic Design Team Releases New Chitose Airport for MSFS

A new Japanese airport is now available for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Dominic Design Team Releases New Chitose Airport for MSFS

Developer Dominic Design Team has released New Chitose Airport (RJCC) for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Located in Hokkaido in Japan, the airport is one of the busiest in Japan thanks to its connections to the mainland, along with international routes. With 4 large runways and plenty of terminal parking space, aircraft of all sizes can easily visit the Japanese airport.

The airport feature list is fairly short and sweet with the developer confirming the use of PBR textures, dynamic lighting and realistic ground markings. Furthermore, Dominic Design Team says that the airport comes with custom jetways and hand-crafted ground textures that are complete with imperfections such as dirt.

You can buy Dominic Design Team’s New Chitose Airport for Microsoft Flight Simulator from SIMMARKET for 17.99 (excluding taxes).


  • PBR Textures
  • Dynamic Lighting
  • Real Ground Markings
  • Custom, painstakingly hand-crafted pavement, showcasing all imperfections including dirt
  • Custom jetway
More From:   Dominic Design Team
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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