Developer Month 2019: FlyJSim

Welcome to Developer Month 2019. Between April 8th and May 8th 2019, we will feature a variety of developers, publishers, community personalities and more who will tell us their story. From written interviews and blog posts to video interviews…

Developer Month 2019: FlyJSim

Welcome to Developer Month 2019Between April 8th and May 8th 2019, we will feature a variety of developers, publishers, community personalities and more who will tell us their story. From written interviews and blog posts to video interviews and more, we have curated a range of interesting content to maybe even inspire you to be one of these developers in future years. Please enjoy Developer Month 2019 as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you.

We couldn’t have put together Developer Month without the support of all the developers & publishers involved. Also, huge thanks to Thrustmaster for their assistance in sponsoring Developer Month.

April 22nd: FlyJSim

Today, members of the FlyJSim got together to tell us all about themselves, their development processes and more. Also, this month marks the 8-year anniversary of the original Q400 on X-Plane by the team, so there is certainly a reason to celebrate. Finally, FlyJSim also gives us a glimpse into what we could expect in the future.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what role you play on the team?

Jack: I am the owner of FlyJSim. On a day to day basis, I direct the team but a larger part of what I do is still directed at 3D modeling, animating, and programing for our aircraft.

Justin: I focus on coding.  Some of the systems I have coded are the fully custom replay system so that all the instruments, sounds, and everything works flawlessly in replay.  I’ve written fully custom flight director and autopilot code for the 732 and 727 inspired by the old schematics and patents as well as the pressurization system.  I am also developing the UNS-1 FMS for the Q4XP.

Valdudes: My role is to bring our planes alive through highly detailed texturing, specializing in weathered textures inspired from real world aircraft.

Tyler: I am a 3D modeller, and a bit of a coder. I did the FMC model in the 737 and 727. The brake heat code, yes it was there if you did two RTO’s you would see your stopping distance change, and that heat drives wear on the brakes. Also the flap jamming, and gear failures that came out in the 727 was my code. I helped work on the Thermo code for the air system in the 737-200 with Justin. I have dabbled in a bit of texture work, but everything you guys see publically has been done by Valdudes. That is all everything else you see has been Jack’s polygon magic and Valdude’s pixel art.

Daniela: I’m in charge of the sound design of our airplanes. I start at a very late stage of the development, when the amazing work from my teammates is mostly done but the plane has default, legacy sounds or is completely silent, and start working from there to make everything sound as close to reality as I can. I have to do a lot of research, reference gathering, watch videos, produce foley and field recordings to be able to match the real thing.

Joe: I focus on testing and sourcing information about the aircraft. I work as a flight dispatcher for a real-world airline, so making sure the aircraft flows and SOPs work is a big part of what I do. I also provide support and encouragement to the rest of the team. One of the last things I do is advocate for the users, for example, I help to make sure our aircraft are fun to fly.

Dellanie: I handle most of the support on the forums and our discord. I’ve helped work on the new manuals for the 727 and the upcoming 732 refreshed manuals. I also run the FlyJSim Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Discord as a marketer. From time to time, I also do some graphic design work which will trickle its way in the form of branding, or even in the product itself.

Developer Month 2019: FlyJSim


How did you find FlyJSim / what was the process of joining the team?

Jack: When I was young I had two passions, flying and creating. I began learning how to 3d model in my teenage years. When I first got into flight sim full time, this was back when FSX was in its prime. Quickly I got hooked into the immersive fully simulated planes that were available. A few years after that I found X-Plane, and combined two passions. I started working on the Q400 as my first product and that was the birth of FlyJSim.

Justin:  I’ve been flying in X-Plane since version 6 and bought Jack’s original Q400 shortly after the release.   And of course, I picked up his amazing Boeing’s when they came out. I got to know Jack, like many of his fans do, through interacting with him on his Twitch development streams.  We first met in person at Flight Sim Con 2016 and I talked to him about some of the passion projects I want to bring to fruition. I always thought Jack could accomplish even more than the amazing work he did on his own if built a team around him, and I strongly encouraged him to do that.  Jack and Tyler had worked together in the past on specific things like the 3D CIVA and Tyler and I had worked together on early experiments such as the cabin environmental control modelling. I knew from Valdudes art streams that he was an amazing artist, a fellow streamer and fellow self-employed adult and would be someone that really shared the same artistic mindset as Jack has. I am so thrilled with the team he has built and that I get to work with!

Valdudes: Over the last few years I have been broadcasting various activities on, mainly flight simming and creative projects like oil painting. My fellow team member Justin and I had gotten to know each other through the flight sim community. When he heard that Jack was in need of a texture artist he suggested my name. Even though I had no previous texturing experience Jack asked me to come onboard and I happily accepted.

Tyler: I was introduced to the FlyJSim brand by Chris (Helipilot7 on Twitch and YouTube), he was doing the first shared cockpit flight in the newly released FJS 737-200. After seeing the fun time that Chris and Castrator had,  I had to pick up the 732. I wanted to use smartcopilot with the group of people that I talked with. When the first smartcopilot profile came out with this plane I worked closely with Tony to develop it as updates came out. Then I was introduced to Justin through the twitch community that I was part of. And we both worked on improving the functionality for us (PilotEdge flyers).

Now to answer my process of joining the team, I watched Jack’s developments streams on twitch, I also streamed as well (before I closed down that channel). I was lucky enough to be a mod from this. I jokingly mentioned if someone 3D modelled an FMC for the 732, would Jack put it in. He said yes. And well I loaded up a 3d modelling software and set off working on making an FMC. I had already dabbled in 3d modelling from an engineering schooling perspective so I had some sense of the process required. Little did I know at the time that these things (CAD and 3D modelling software) are very different. It was a fun learning experience.

Daniela: I had the FJS 737-200 v2 which was a beautiful rendition of an airplane that carries an emotional weight to me because I’ve flown it a lot as a passenger when I was a kid. When the first betas of X-Plane 11 came out with the new FMOD support I started developing a new audio pack for it because I wasn’t satisfied with the way it sounded. It was purely for personal use, but when people started watching the demo Youtube video I made, I started to get job offers. One day, Jack contacted me to “finish my work on the 737” and publish it on v3. Apparently, it was brought to his attention by team members. I couldn’t believe it since I was such a big fan, so I took the offer in an instant. Since then I’ve worked on the 727 and I’ll be working on the coming Q4XP too.

Joe: Jack was first working on the Q400 when I was working at Porter Airlines. I originally met him by providing him with pictures and videos of the aircraft. We became very good friends and eventually decided to work together. We originally founded Armchair Aviation to be a publisher for FlyJSim aircraft and to be a complimentary news/opinion website. When we first started Jack was doing all of the development and I was doing the vast majority of the testing and quality assurance. I also helped write manuals. After a while, though we found it was too much to maintain support for the Q400, work on the 727 and still keep writing stuff for Armchair, so we folded it all together and closed down that part of the Armchair Aviation website. That is where the chair with wings logo comes from. We went on to develop the 727, and had a great time flying it around on Pilot Edge, with Jack even getting it to deep stall, (though not on purpose.) Once that was done we talked about what we wanted to do next, and after a while debating doing a 737 we started with the 732. I moved airlines again, my current one flies the 737 and used to fly the 732, so we were able to get great information on it. Now that we have more team members what we have been able to do in recent times is outstanding, and the depth and breadth of the skills and capabilities is something it has been a pleasure to see grow over the last few years.

Dellanie: I first started talking to Jack via Twitch, where most people know him for streaming his development projects. I was rather fascinated by the level of transparency and interactivity I got to have with an X-Plane developer. I approached Jack whilst the 732 Twinjet V3 was in development and offered to refresh the logo a bit. He agreed and liked the results. I then further offered to refresh the website for him and make it more inclusive, including the comprehensive livery library we now host. From there, I grew to know the team a bit more, and one thing led to another. I’ve enjoyed being able to assist a development team and gain a deeper insight into the whole process!

Developer Month 2019: FlyJSim


Working on projects such as aircraft must be very time-consuming. How do you project manage all of the tasks it takes to make such a product?

Jack: FlyJSim is a full-time job for me, so time is all I have. My team has a passion for this work, which makes it easier on myself so I can continue 3d modelling or whichever task is on and not have to worry so much about everyone else on a daily basis. The planes themselves can take a minimum, one year to complete, but can take much longer than that. During that time, development goes through several stages, from RnD, to the very start of 3d modelling, then on to texturing, animating, systems programming, all the way through beta to release. Each stage brings its own set of challenges, but ultimately everyone on the team enjoys working through them to deliver the end product.

Justin: From the coding perspective I deployed an issue tracking tool that we use internally and with our beta testers.   This helps to monitor the known issues, bugs, feature requests, and so forth, and also to assign them to one of the team to work on or a beta tester to go test after we think we have fixed it.   I tend to be obsessed with individual issues, and Jack has the veteran experience of making sure we stay focused on the overall goal of delivering fun simulations that free of bugs that ruin the joy of flying. Beta testers are very valuable to us. It’s important to have a mix of a few real-world type-rated pilots as they capture some dynamics and essence not captured in maintenance manuals, airport planning documents, or flight crew training books.  But there is also many things pilots don’t have to really worry about or remember in real life. And for this, the role of zealous sim sleuths who will comb through all the documented procedures and test them against the systems as modelled in the sim is incredibly valuable.  Not everyone enjoys that kind of work, but the ones that do are so crucial to helping move the FlyJSim planes always closer to being an archival representation of the real deal. Like da Vinci said of art, simulating something as complex as an airliner is never finished, only abandoned.  But unlike some development groups, we always return to each product to continue making it even better. And there is still a long list of future features envisioned for all of them.

Valdudes: My background is in traditional art so I am accustomed to visualising and keeping track of progress in my head. I simply start from one spot like the nose of the plane and work my way down to the tail. I try to push the number of details as far as I can and as long as the team is working on their goals, that means I have more time to do my best work. When development enters the testing phase, visual bugs will be reported and organized with project management software like Trello.

Tyler: At the start of the day you look at the tasks and just start doing them. If you can’t finish a task that day well you are thinking about it. And while you are working on something else you may figure out who to complete that task. Other days I just grind what I need to get done. So, in short, I am either 10% done with 8 tasks at the end of the day or I finished 2 tasks. All about how you start the day.

Daniela: For me, it’s the shared Trello board for the high-level tasks and requests to my teammates (mostly Justin or Jack), Redmine for keeping track of the bugs of the released versions and a simple personal to-do list in OneNote for the day to day work. As I’m also a software developer, I follow a similar procedure to incremental development so as I’m progressing on the product I periodically “launch” releases of the sound pack (with a list of changes and new features) for my teammates to try and test until we deem it “ready”.

Joe: We use various online sources like Redmine and Trello, although nothing beats just sitting with the QRC and SOPs and going through each item line by line, or taking the plane flying on Vatsim or Pilot Edge just for the pure joy of it.

Dellanie: Most of what I do is split between internal tasks and prioritising issues by our customers and the community. I’ll wake up, check the company Trello, internal dialogue and external dialogue and then work on what I feel is most important at that time. I don’t think people realise how much of that feedback actually works its way back into my scheduling and company priorities, we are continuously scanning and reading your feedback!


How do you remain motivated doing your role?

Jack: My motivation mainly comes seeing the reactions of all our fans and customers. A lot of them will come into my public twitch streams, our discord and Facebook and leave so many positive comments and feedback. It really amazes me how connected and vibrant this community really is, and I honestly could not see myself in any other job today.

Justin:   This is an excellent question.  The thing that most motivates me is knowing that I can work on something that enables people to do something or have an experience they couldn’t have before in the simulator.  I get really excited about knowing users can fly a complex instrument approach with a procedure turn in the 727, land, get the plane parked at the gate and cold and dark and then decide to go back and check how they flew that approach.  They can see when they changed navaid frequencies, monitor their speed and deviation, and observe all the systems and hear all the sounds. I also am always motivated by the work that everyone else does on our team, and in the larger community.  When Jack’s modelling, Valdudes’ texturing and Dani’s sounds bring a plane viscerally to life, I want to make sure the systems are just as immersive. And the amazing sceneries being developed in X-plane, make me excited to go fly our planes to new places.   But being a developer means every flight is a chance to be testing and monitoring, looking for that next thing to fix or improve.

Valdudes: I simply love planes and the challenge of making them look as accurate and real as possible in X-plane. There are so many subtle characteristics to a plane that are sometimes difficult and time-consuming to replicate digitally. However, the feeling of satisfaction when admiring our planes in the beautiful graphics of X-plane is one of the best feelings and motivating factors as an artist. Also, people are paying a premium for a product like this so they deserve to get the best possible work.

Tyler: Simply watching and seeing the community reactions. These communities are across websites and on different platforms. You see people get excited about the things you are doing/making and you want to prove to them that their excitement is not misplaced. We also take negative commentary and convert that into a form of constructive feedback. Those will all get tossed into the motivation to prove that this project is worth their positive attention.

Also, future projects help motivate us to get the current ones done.

The only thing that you can really do is realize if what you are doing is not motivating you at the current moment there are many elements to making an add-on aircraft that you can shift your focus into. For example, if you have a 3D model and you don’t want to model, you can work on unwrapping (making the layout for the textures for) the model.

Daniela: Doing what I love is usually motivation enough, as I absolutely enjoy making a simulator aeroplane sound as close as possible to a real one as I can. And being on a team where everybody strives for realism and accuracy makes me want to bring my best to rise to the challenge. But I also have to side with Tyler on this one: the community reaction is a big motivator for me too. The satisfaction of watching a Twitch stream and seeing people going “ooh” and “aah!” and commenting on how nice and realistic it sounds, well… it paints a big grin on my face.

Joe: It’s easy to stay motivated for me because I get to work with and encourage my very best friends, and then with the help of our beta testers and community make sure each aircraft is polished.

Dellanie: Most people don’t know that I have a degree in Architecture, and I suppose the process is very similar. From the moment you are delivered the initial brief, there is just an absurd amount of passion, love and creativity for that project. There will be pit-stops where content gets peer-reviewed, and you receive constructive feedback. You take that and throw that back into the project to deliver that end goal of producing an awesome project. Take everything one step at a time, enjoy the process, listen to that feedback very carefully and be proud of what you have produced!

Developer Month 2019: FlyJSim

What other developers out there inspire you and why?

Jack: Back in the FSX days, when I was just a customer, I found great enjoyment and inspiration from companies known for their system depth and fun like A2A, and from companies whose products were so visually interesting to look at such as Captain Sim. When I started developing my planes I wanted them to look as good as I can make them, as well as have system depth that one can appreciate.

Justin: I’ve been around as X-Planer simmer long enough to see the amazing growth in our community over the years (and all of the often needless drama).  Javier Rollon and Philipp Ringler’s CRJ-200 dates back to the same timeframe as Jack’s original Q400 that launched FlyJSim. And I think both Jack and Javier are owed tremendous gratitude for what they did for the sim.  (As an aside, I really hope they will finish up their reboot of the CRJ as it will be so awesome to have both a refreshed CRJ and the Q4XP in the sim.) As a system’s obsessed guy, what Philipp brought to X-Plane has been hugely impactful: vasFMC, the CRJ-200 systems, Flight Factor’s FMCs, and the Garmin avionics that ship with X-Plane.  There are no so many great aircraft being developed for X-Plane is a supreme pleasure to be a part of it. Beyond the amazing aircraft, the amount of scenery developers that have sprung up in the past few years has been a delightful surprise. It wasn’t that long ago that flying in X-Plane meant flying always into a flat expanse of very accurately modelled runways, taxiways, and cargo ramps with nary a building in site.  I have so much respect for the passion that scenery developers put into tiny buildings on the corners of airfields that I never even knew I wanted until I fly and land there.

Valdudes: The Rotate MD-80 was a big inspiration when I first started working for FlyJSim, since that is one of the best-looking airplanes in X-plane and sets the visual standard very high. More recently I have been inspired by two aircraft from DCS World, the F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations and the F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics. The F-14 is one of the most incredibly textured aircraft in any sim right now!

Tyler: Ohhh I love this. So I started picking up payware add-ons in FSX. Over my time using that sim I had 3 or 4 A2A planes, 3 Milviz planes, and 1 IRIS plane that I flew regularly. From a visual standpoint, I loved what these developers were able to bring into the simulator. The A2A 172, Cherokee, and T-6 really made me look at add-on development. Looking at Milviz F-86, F100, and T-36 I loved seeing the wear textures and the age that this gave the airplanes. IRIS made a wonderful PC-9 which was a true blast to fly around.

Oh man, how could I forget one of my favorite airplanes: the Real Air Simulations Legacy. I picked this up a couple of months before they shut down shop. This was my favorite GA airplane that I picked up for any sim, just absolutely a blast because of speed and task saturation. The texturing was outstanding, the plane felt like it had a weight to it, the nose wheel felt like there was an engine putting weight on the free castering nose wheel.  RAS inspired me just felt right and something that I could work up too. In all these companies it was cool to see the depth of the system there.

Daniela: Oh, when I was on FSX, I loved my A2A Cherokee and the PMDG 737, they were the only airplanes I flew and I felt they captured the essence of the real thing. On X-Plane, I might be partial here because I work for them, but well, I also like to work for people I admire, so I have to mention Aerobask for the amazing modelling, texturing and avionics programming, and Laminar Research for bringing us this amazing, open platform where everything is possible.

Joe: I’ve been around with X-Plane since version 5, so can I just say all of them? In particular, I love our scenery developers. They don’t get enough love for what they add to the sim.

Dellanie: I’m the odd-one-out on this, since I’m relatively new to the flight sim scene and I prefer the more modern aircraft. Back in FSX I only really flew the PMDG 737 and the Majestic Q400… which I loved to pieces. I remember the first time trying general aviation with the X-Plane 10 being something of a disruptive revolution in my moment or zeitgeist. It wasn’t soon afterwards I made the switch.

With X-Plane content, I think the obligatory reminder of how much Totoritko has put into this community is necessary! I have a lot of respect for the work Ben, Austin and the Laminar team are putting into X-Plane. For GA, I absolutely adore my Piper Arrow by Just Flight and my Pipistrel Panthera by Aerobask.

I think finally, despite me not owning DCS, I do have to give credit for what Eagle Dynamics and Heat Blur are doing over there. The attention to detail is just mind-staggering and definitely catching my eye.

Developer Month 2019: FlyJSim


Your open development environment is somewhat unique in the flight sim community. Why is it important to you to let the community see progress via the likes of Twitch?

Jack: My reasoning for being so transparent, and putting our work out there on twitch, is for everyone to see what is happening. I really want those who watch, to have a greater appreciation for how much work has gone into the final product as well as feel they have a connection to us. We are flight simmmers, same as you all. This also allows us to have an open direct dialogue with our customer base.

Justin: One of the best things to happen has been other developers who have joined Jack in streaming their development work on Twitch.  It is incredibly inspiring and motivating to watch other developers, often while I am myself hard at work myself. I have always enjoyed when I stream my work (jsnapp1982 on Twitch), and it’s something I hope to do more of in the future again shortly.   You always end up being entertained and supported by your audience, and you also get to learn their perception of the feature you are working on. 🙂

Valdudes: Many times the community has suggested ideas to me that I integrate into the plane, making them feel involved in the development process and closer to the team. They also learn the process required to make a highly detailed plane which, in turn, gives them a greater appreciation for our work and the planes they purchase.

Tyler: The thing is there are people that are more skilled than me out there. And if they fear the process then they will never be willing to try and challenge the development scene. Honestly I want someone to see what I am doing and for them to get the motivation to push and get through an idea they have that innovates in the market. I think many people think that development of an x-plane product is trade secrets, but ask. The streaming helps remove that curtain of mystery that surrounds how things are made. Also I always like to expand my spotify playlists haha.

I loved watching JRollon work on his products! Even though he uses different software then I do it gave me ideas on how I could make some parts of the models I may be working on.

Daniela: I’m the black sheep here as I don’t stream my work on sound design, but mostly because a) I’m very shy on camera, b) I don’t feel people will find it interesting and c) working with audio at the same time as transmitting it could interfere with my work as I’m very often recording my own output for analysis purposes. But I like that Jack, Justin, Ty and Val do, and I feel that openness allows people to see how much sweat and hard work goes into launching a FlyJSim aircraft.


Recently, you celebrated the 8 year anniversary of the original Q400 product. What do you remember from that development that stood out to you? Be it a challenge or a breakthrough.

Jack: There were definite challenges, for instance, I came into this development with a clear knowledge of 3d modelling, but not much else. Starting from the flight model I had to learn planemaker, which entailed learning a lot about how to make the planes fly right with the information we have. What a Reynolds number was for instance. I had to teach myself photoshop for texturing, and learn how to program. However, each product we make there is always something new to learn, to challenge ourselves, which eventually ends up being pushed as standard to the next product. With the Q4XP, we are aiming to completely outdo ourselves and really deliver a Q400 that the X-Plane community can be proud of.

How do you celebrate a release?

Jack: Relaxation and seeing a community release. Observing bug reports

Justin: Sleep. Making up for missed time with the wife.   Looking for fresh bug reports. On the systems side, there are always features that didn’t make it into a release that has slipped to a future patch.  A release means getting to put away my bug swatter and going back to the joy of implementing new things afresh.

Valdudes: I always take my family out for a nice dinner to celebrate the big occasion of a release. Sitting back and watching people enjoy our work through Twitch broadcasts

or YouTube videos is the icing on the cake.

Daniela: Watching Twitch streams and reading reviews while enjoying a nice glass of wine 🙂

Joe: Bottle of Champagne if I happen to have the night off from work. Usually open it and call Jack and fly the aircraft on Vatsim.

Dellanie: 10 minutes of relaxation before trying to organise bug reports and commentary on the aircraft. Watching people stream the aircraft on Twitch and talking to people in the lounge area of our discord post-release.


How does community feedback help support your development work and/or roadmap?

Jack: It helps us understand what you guys value in a product, what we can do in the future, and what we can also implement as a standard in future products. This includes better sounds,, flight dynamics, features etc. We always keep an eye open for criticism, as that’s the only way to move forward.

Justin:   Its valuable as an inspiration to putting in continued effort.   It also is a great way to see how what we have been made is actually being used and perceived.  Often individual users prospectively ask for things that might be great in their mind but aren’t actually what the larger user community would want.  But seeing how the community thinks about a product once released is invaluable. Getting feedback from users to shape our overall roadmap is always something I wish I could think of a good way to do.  Every so often the FlyJSim Discord channel will have a day where people start proposing planes they would love to see made and it is always just becomes a fun series of aircraft imagery being put into the channel.  So many possible planes, but what should we do next?

Valdudes: Community feedback serves as great motivation to continue to work as hard as I can at making the best possible textures. When I work extra hours on a certain detail, I love to show it off to my viewers on Twitch and see their excitement. That lets me know I’m doing my job!

Tyler: They key to making products that people like is as developers we must support the community as they support us. FJS has a theme, and I think if we can stick with that theme and provide interesting products that the community likes and wants is a good thing. As we see the X-Plane community develop and the community expectations shift (or stay the same) it is key that we hear from the community and that we are involved.

Daniela: There are many experienced pilots out there that can help polish the product after the launch. Their feedback is very valuable because no amount of research can replace hours of flight on the actual aircraft, and they usually come up with marginal cases that we probably didn’t contemplate or situations where a sound is not exactly as the real thing, which we’ll gladly correct in the next release patch.

Dellanie: Whilst we can’t always share what is on our minds or internal dialogue, there are a lot of parallels between what the community wants, and what we want to deliver. We want people to understand that their feedback is absolutely paramount to us and more often trickles its way back into the product. Even if you have a positive or negative experience, come talk to us! We’d be more than happy to hear your feedback.

Developer Month 2019: FlyJSim


If someone wanted to possibly join the team in the future, what qualities are you looking for?

Jack: Basically, passion, for flight sim, aviation, and for the products being made. If you have a passion to develop the best products for the customer, you already have the heart to develop for flight-sim

Justin:  I am always hoping that additional self-motivated and passionate individuals with underlying skills and talents will come forward and join the team.   I think if we had a larger team we could expand the factory floor and open up additional assembly lines. It can be daunting thinking about all the possible projects ahead and certainly there is no shortage of work.  By its nature, it takes the right mixture of technical talent and artistic inspiration to be a flight sim developer. And often the people that want to pursue this kind of work end up working alone, or find it hard to be a part of a team.   But I am always hopeful we will find more individuals that have the right cultural fit to the really amazing team that Jack has built up at FlyJSim.

Valdudes: The utmost attention to detail and motivation to capture every aspect of a plane that makes it feel real, down to the rivets and chipped paint. I don’t want a customer to look at any part of the plane and feel like it’s just some lifeless digital polygon. Even new planes have subtle imperfections that give them personality. Anybody can learn the tools but having the eye for detail and what gives a plane personality is the most important.

Tyler: The quality depends on what we are looking for. I guess speaking generally, I think the best thing to know is what you can do, don’t over inflate what you feel you can get done. The hardest part about making a plane is realizing the first timeline you come up with is probably absolutely wrong. There are many moving parts to this. I think if you like what we do, want to do something similar just talk to one of us. Thanks to this interview you know our roles so just reach out and converse.

Dellanie: Definitely have a passion for the community and have an obsessive desire to always out-do yourself. I used to do a lot of livery painting before FlyJSim. I think every livery painter out there knows that feeling of wanting to give back to the community to the highest detail possible!


You had a great community response from the 727 and people are super excited about the new Q4XP you guys are developing. Are there any plans for other projects in the near future?

Jack : There are always ideas, tons of them in fact, to many to ever realistically get done. We have a lot of ideas for the future! And we’re extremely confident that we will catch a few people off-guard and excited with our future products.

Justin :   One of my biggest passions is to bring the added realism of crew resource management to the simulator. In what form, you’ll just have to wait and see.  To make that experience a seamless and hassle free part of flight simulation that is a natural way for people to interact with their simulator is a huge goal of mine.  Another one of my longer term passions is to develop an economics based game for airline simulation. But we will see. As a team we have so many great ideas for features and planes we would love to see in the sim it’s hard to know where we will go first.

Valdudes : I know Jack has many ideas and possibilities for the distant future but for right now it is all about the Q400.

Tyler: Haha, there are plans, and other projects most definitely. Part of what keeps the drive going to finish this plane, at least for me.

Daniela: I still have the entire Q4XP ahead to plan and think about.

Joe: I think right now, at least for me, the focus is going to be testing and making sure what we have works well. There is still a lot of Q4XP still ahead of me.

Dellaine: I think my peers have summarised everything here succinctly. I will say that there are alot of ideas brewing in the kitchen that are bound to raise an eyebrow, so watch this space 😉


From the team at FlyJSim, thank you very much for incorporating us for Developer month. We hope all of you an insightful outlook as to what happens behind our closed doors, and all of our flightsim peers!


You can check out FlyJSim’s website here.

Thank you once again to the whole team at FlyJSim for taking part.

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Stay tuned as Developer Month continues tomorrow. We’ll be speaking to Josh Mendoza from REX Simulations.

Content sponsored by Thrustmaster. Read our review on the TPR Pedal Set.  |  Read our review on the Air-Force Edition Headset.

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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