Aircraft developer Colimata has just posted further screenshots of their upcoming Concorde for X-Plane. The hyped aircraft appears to be near completion, with only a few things still on the list to be done. Colimata claims that their rendition of the Concorde is ready to release within the month.
The developers at Colimata tell us that they are currently working on the fmod sound, additional functionality and the graphical user interface.
Earlier this year, Colimata had released the paint kit for the Concorde and a preview video for its 50th anniversary, which can be seen here. The developers had informed the community that the Concorde will be at a ‘reasonable’ system depth and that the aircraft will include two liveries, BA Landor (1984) and Air France. Colimata claims that Concorde will also be included with a GUI, and 3D cabin.
We will keep you up to date regarding the development of this rendition of Concorde!