CGN Dev 737 Classic Development Update

CGN Dev has shared on their website a development update regarding their Boeing 737 “Classic” for Prepar3D. In this update, the developers show us the rebuilt exterior nose section of the 3D model, which was…

CGN Dev 737 Classic Development Update

CGN Dev has shared on their website a development update regarding their Boeing 737 “Classic” for Prepar3D. In this update, the developers show us the rebuilt exterior nose section of the 3D model, which was redone. The fuselage was cleaned of previous issues and the cockpit window frame is now complete. The last step will be the addition of doors, windows and other details before the 3D modeler moves on to the landing gear area. Regarding the interior modeling, the cockpit has also been progressing well with the entire wall section complete except for a few minor details on the framing.

Regarding the aircraft systems, the FMC programming is going on well with the SID/STAR selection now complete. Just like the regular 737 FMC, it now allows for runway selection, waypoint insertion and drawing on the EHSI. The next features the developer will be moving on will be the drawing of  magenta lines on the FMC as well as “the rest” of the FMC. No words has been spoken on the way the database will be updated, but the screenshots that have been shared show procedures for Ben Gurion Airport (LLBG) which are not current anymore.

The developer has also shared they were aware of another developer working on a Boeing 737 Classic for Microsoft Flight Simulator, but that will not have any impact of their development roadmap so far. You can visit this article which introduces you to the expected features of this Boeing 737 Classic. You can also follow CGN Dev on their Discord Server, but make sure to stick around FSElite for further news regarding this project.

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Calum Martin
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