Carenado Do-228 Released X-Plane 11

The guys over at Carenado have today released their Do-228 for the X-Plane platform, more specifically the X-Plane 11 version. In order to buy the aircraft go to Carenado’s website for more details, price is…

Carenado Do-228 Released X-Plane 11

The guys over at Carenado have today released their Do-228 for the X-Plane platform, more specifically the X-Plane 11 version. In order to buy the aircraft go to Carenado’s website for more details, price is 37.95 USD. As usual it comes with full PBR support which means material shines and has reflections. More is available at Carenado’s Facebook.


  • Specially designed engine dynamics for XP11.
  • Flight physics optimized for XP11 standards.
  • Ground handling adapted for XP11 ground physics.
  • Physically Based Rendering materials and textures throughout.
  • PBR materials authored with industry-standard software used by the film and gaming industries.
  • X-Plane GNS530 (FPS friendly)
  • Support for RealityXP’s GTN750 (integrated into 3D cockpit, when available).
  • VR compatible click spots.
  • Goodway Compatible.
  • Realistic behavior compared to the real airplane. Realistic weight and balance. Tested by several pilots for maximum accuracy

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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