Update 30-April-2020 @ 1945z: Captain Sim has edited their original Facebook post removing all of the information regarding the expansion packs.
Here is the screenshot from the original post.
== Original Article 30th April 2020 @ 17:05z ==
A few days ago, Captain Sim released their 767 Captain II add-on for Prepar3D v4.5 as an early-access product. Since then, the team has declared the release a success by saying that there have been “no major issues” and that a hotfix has not been required from the team. That said, they did confirm a scheduled update will most likely drop next week.
Alongside this, the team felt it was a good time to confirm the expansion plans for their aircraft. There has been much confusion surrounding the engine expansion plans (changing product pages, amending manuals and seemingly confirming it on Twitch streams), but this Facebook post has been created to bring clarity around the plans.
First up, the 767-300ER Base Pack will receive another engine type: the Pratt & Whitney JT9D. Following on from that, a new 767 Freighter Expansion will be released which will be equipped with the General Electric CF6-80. Finally, it was confirmed that there will be 767-200 with the classic Rolls Royce RB211. It was also confirmed that each expansion release will fit to the 767-300ER providing that the expansion packs are installed. This will also be the case for the Freighter and the -200 for other engine options you then purchase.
What wasn’t made clear is if the Pratt & Whitney JT9D will be added to the original base pack for free or as a paid expansion. It’s assumed that the other expansions will be supplementary to the base pack as paid add-ons.
Within their Facebook post, a user asked whether there is any plans for a “[Microsoft Flight Simulator] upgrade?”, to which Captain Sim responded with a positive confirmation. “Yes, after it’s done for P3D.”
You can find out more about the 767 Captain II here. Remember, it’s currently available in early access for $99.76 – a reduction from a price of $134.99.
== Original Captain Sim post ==
Quite a number of the 767s have been burning virtual jet fuel around the Globe for more than 72 hrs…
The best part is, there are no major issues, no hotfix required, so we’ll release a scheduled update most likely next week.
Now to the engines, we’ve just finalized our 767 plans and it seems to be a good time to share them:
1. The 767 Base Pack will get another engine, the good old JT9D
2. The 767 Freighter Expansion will bring another engine, the legendary CF6-80
3. The 767-200 Expansion will add another engine, the classic RB211
Upon the expansions’ release, the 767-300ER will support all the expansions’ engine types (CF6-80, RB211), if the expansions installed.
Same as all expansions’ airframes (Freighter and the -200) will support the Base Packs’ engines (PW4060, JT9D).
Those who still don’t have the 767, we recommend you to check out a fresh set of screen shots at https://captainsim.net/products/y767/y763/