Caelus Aerial Releases Lanseria Airport for MSFS

A new developer in the community is Caelus Aerial, an aerial imaging company. The team has created what seems to be their first scenery for the flight simulation community. They have released Lanseria Intl Airport…

Caelus Aerial Releases Lanseria Airport for MSFS

A new developer in the community is Caelus Aerial, an aerial imaging company. The team has created what seems to be their first scenery for the flight simulation community. They have released Lanseria Intl Airport (FALA), for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Lanseria Airport is located in the Northeast of South Africa near the city of Johannesburg. FlySafair and Kulula Airlines offer services to Durban and Cape Town. In addition, charter flights to various other destinations bring the airport to life.

News of the release has been broadcasted through their Facebook page. The team has developed the airport to match that of real-life, along with accurate airport markings, and 3D object clutter all over the field. In comparison to satellite images of the airport, the scenery matches it to near exactitude. Aside from the development of the main features, the main entrance to the airport is rendered very nicely. Lastly, custom night lighting illuminates the airport during night operations.

Lanseria Airport is available for purchase from simMarket for 14.00€

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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