Burning Blue Design Announces Goodwood Aerodrome

Following on the release of their Rochester Airport, Burning Blue Designs has announced their next scenery.

Burning Blue Design Announces Goodwood Aerodrome

Following on the release of their Rochester Airport, Burning Blue Designs has announced their next scenery: Goodwood Aerodrome (EHGR). According to the announcement post, the team has taken over a thousand reference images of the airport, and development is now “well under way”, though the team did say that the development is still in very early days. A few previews of the scenery were shared.

Goodwood Aerodrome is located in the South of England. The airfield was built by the Royal Air Force during the Second World War. The previews show some of the historic aircraft that are still present at the airport, as well as the perimeter road of the airport, which is in use as a motor racing track.

More From:   Burning Blue Design
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