Boundless Releases Lasham

Scenery Developer, Boundless Simulations has released their latest airport, Lasham (EGHL) for X-Plane 11.

Boundless Releases Lasham

Lasham airport is located approximately 50 miles South West of London in the county of Hampshire, UK. It first started life as a World War II airfield for RAF Typhoon, Spitfire and Mosquito squadrons.

Today, Lasham serves home to the long-debated largest gliding club in the world with over 25,000 glider flights taking off each year.

Lasham is also home to 2Excel engineering, a company which scraps, cleans and maintains airliners from around Europe which certainly makes Lasham one of the most versatile airfields in the country.

Boundless has recreated this busy but quiet little hub with attention to detail to include high definition orthoimagery giving detail down to 15cm alongside PBR custom ground textures with correct tracks, cracks and wear and tear along with high definition buildings and aircraft placed around the airfield. As Lasham is located in the heart of the countryside, Boundless has paid good detail to the vegetation and included 3D volumetric grass and custom HD 3D trees and forests surrounding the airfield.

To purchase Lasham for X-Plane 11, head over to the Boundless Store where you can pick it up for £9.99 but you must have the free Boundless Library downloaded and installed for the scenery to appear correctly.

Feature List

  • Full PBR HD custom Ground texturesÂ
  • HD 15cm Ortho (2020 imagery)
  • Custom HD 3D Trees & Forests
  • 3D volumetric grass
  • Full PBR HD custom buildings
  • Fully accurate custom night lighting
  • Fully accurate ground markings, including accurately modelled cracks / wear & tear
  • Full Traffic Global compatibility
  • Custom static & animated ground vehicles
  • thousands of accurately placed objects and textures
  • Optional custom HD static aircraft (GA & Airliner)
  • Optional scrapped aircraft models
  • Excellent FPS
More From:   Boundless Simulations
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Jordan Williams
Jordan works for an independent music venue business operating in the US and London. Discovering flight simulation with FS98, he followed the natural progression up until P3D, where he switched platforms to X-Plane 11 flying everything from fast jets, helicopters to airliners.

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