Boris Audio Works Cessna C172 Sound Set Released for MSFS

An all-new sound pack has been released for the Cessna 172 in MIcrosoft Flight Simulator.

Boris Audio Works Cessna C172 Sound Set Released for MSFS

The developer behind various other sound packs (FlyByWire A32NX, FlightFX Vision Jet, and the Cirrus SR-22) has released a new Cessna C172 sound set for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Included with the set is dynamic engine sounds, along with new sounds for buttons, switches, knobs and levers. In addition, there’s now wind and aerodynamic drag sounds included to make the experience even more realistic. Dynamic touchdown and ground rolls are also included.

This set is compatible with the default Cessna 172, both the steam gauge and G1000 versions. It is also fully compatible with the WBSim 172 modification.

You can buy it now from various stores including OrbxDirect for $23.00 AUD.


  • Dynamic engine sounds
  • Wind and aerodynamic drag
  • Buttons, switches, knobs, and levers
  • Fuel pump
  • Batteries, gyros, and avionics fans*
  • Dynamic touchdowns and ground rolls*
  • Stall horn with several stages changing intensity depending AOA
  • And more!
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.

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