BeyondATC recently published a video showcasing improvements coming to their AI-powered ATC enhancement suite for MSFS.
The 42-minute long showcase was centered around several examples of a new traffic injection system in action at various airports The reworked traffic injection system will use real world data from Flightradar24 (covering approximately 15 million flights) as a jumping-off point to determine where to spawn aircraft in the sim. From there, BeyondATC takes over to make each flight “live” rather than looping a rigid schedule of pre-determined routes and destinations. This means that, according to the developer “The ATC could end up prioritizing AI aircraft over you at any time.”
A host of other upgrades are coming soon including functional pushback tugs, dynamic performance profiles based on Aircraft Type, and enhanced AI aircraft awareness of the world (including holding short for runway crossings and line-up-and-waits).
While no specific timeline was provided for the release, the developer mentioned that customers that purchased the supporters pack will have access to the new model “soon” via the experimental branch, with remaining customers receiving it “after it is stable.”
For a more detailed explanation of how BeyondATC works, check out our Early Access Review here: