Developer aviaWorx has updated its aviaServer to now support both the Flight Sim Labs A32X and the Leonardo Softhouse FlythemaddogX. This brings the total number of support aircraft by the platform to 11.
The aviaServer is the main server application that helps run services such as aviaFlightMonitor, aviaCDU and the aviaOverhead panel. The new update adds support for the Flight Sim Labs’ A32X and Maddog’s Canadian / Marconi CDU via the aviaCDU software, with the Leonardo Softhouse FlythemaddogX’s EFB having support from the aviaEFB software. The update also fine tunes some of the parameters within the aviaFlightMonitor also to improve reports and landing performance overviews.
You can find out more about the aviaServer network on their website, along with their pricing strategy and aircraft bundles. Pricing starts from €10.00.
aviaServer Update
- aviaCDU: Added support for Flight Sim Labs’ A32X and Maddog’s Canadian / Marconi CDU
- aviaEFB: Added support for Maddog’s EFB and PMS (Left EFB is the EFB Right EFB is the PMS)
- aviaFlightMonitor: Some more tuning of parameters