Those of you looking to have a flight control augmentation system for Microsoft Flight Simulator will have to look no further than Aviaworx’s aviaFlyByWire system.
This new tool will work with pretty much any aircraft in the simulator and implements a new augmentation system that takes care of making manual flights easy.
If you’re wondering how this all works, this is what Aviaworx has to say: “aviaFlyByWire intercepts your flight control hardware’s aileron and elevator signals (let’s call them X and Y values) and redirects these signals to a flight control loop. This then interprets the raw signals and uses them to command roll and pitch rates (the more you deflect your elevator, the faster the pitch change). Finally, the control loop calculates the actual aileron and elevator surface positions and sends these output signals to the aircraft. Very similar to the fly-by-wire mechanisms found in complex airliners.”
You can watch the video above to get an idea of how this works.
You will need the Aviaworx aviaserver in order for this to work, but an individual license for aviaFlyByWire is also available for €10.00. There is a free demo available within the main server application so you can test it out before you buy.