Alabeo Releases C421 C Golden Eagle Update

In a recent Facebook post by Alabeo, they have announced an update for their C421 C Golden Eagle add-on for FSX and Prepar3D. Version 1.3 brings along minor bug fixes, improved flight dynamics, adjusted landing…

Alabeo Releases C421 C Golden Eagle Update

In a recent Facebook post by Alabeo, they have announced an update for their C421 C Golden Eagle add-on for FSX and Prepar3D.

Version 1.3 brings along minor bug fixes, improved flight dynamics, adjusted landing gear warning conditions and a flight director bar and INOP flag adjustment.

Alabeo state that for customers who wish to update, it is important to uninstall the previous version of the add-on prior to installing this new version. You can find the updated installer in your marketplace or Alabeo customer account. Any download limits have been increased.

If you don’t already own it, the C421 C Golden Eagle can be purchased over at simMarket for €31.90 (Excl. VAT).


  • Full FSX, P3D v2, v3, v4, and Steam compatible.
  • Flight1 GTN 750* integration.
  • Reality XP GNS530 v2* integration.
  • Alabeo GNS530.
  • Cold and Dark start option.
  • Superb material shines and reflections.
  • Volumetric side view prop effect.
  • Gauges reflections.
  • Knob click sounds.
  • Windows scratches and blades shine.
  • High-quality 3D model and textures.
  • Realistic behaviour.
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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