Aerosoft Teases With More Shots Of A320 Professional Series

Aerosoft has released more shots of their upcoming Airbus series in a post on their forum. Frank Docter has posted photos showing off the A318 dressed in British Airways livery. Further down in the post,…

Aerosoft Teases With More Shots Of A320 Professional Series

Aerosoft has released more shots of their upcoming Airbus series in a post on their forum. Frank Docter has posted photos showing off the A318 dressed in British Airways livery.

Further down in the post, Aerosoft’s Mathijs Kok said that the team is still working on the stability of lighting effects, and they are making sure shader performance is as reliable as possible. He also said that the shading techniques used in the development of this series of planes is looking much better and is ‘seriously faster’ in terms of performance.

Kok went on to say that the Aerosoft Updater is now fully implemented and will allow users to update all of their Aerosoft products with one click.

Aerosoft still has not given a release date for any of the planes, but have said that the A318/319 will be the first to roll down the runway.

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Calum Martin
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