Aerosoft Release Mega Airport Frankfurt V2.0 Professional for P3DV4

Aerosoft have today released their Mega Airport Frankfurt V2.0 Professional for P3DV4. Following on from yesterday’s announcement, the scenery has been designed specifically for Prepar3D V4 and comes with a range of new features. Such…

Aerosoft Release Mega Airport Frankfurt V2.0 Professional for P3DV4

Aerosoft have today released their Mega Airport Frankfurt V2.0 Professional for P3DV4.

Following on from yesterday’s announcement, the scenery has been designed specifically for Prepar3D V4 and comes with a range of new features. Such features include snowfall for winter, automatic season changes, optimized 3D runway lights and apron lights that use the new dynamic lighting technology. Of course, this version of Frankfurt V2.0 has been exported using the P3DV4 SDK for maximum optimization.

Whether these features which aren’t specific to P3DV4 make it to other sims is yet to be seen.

The new upgrade will cost you €5.95 if you’re upgrading from the normal version. If this is a brand new product, then it will cost you €29.37 (+VAT). You can buy Mega Airport Frankfurt V2 Professional from the Aerosoft shop.

Mega Airport Professional is a new lineup from Aerosoft that is specifically aimed at Prepar3d V4 compatibility. You can read more about this in our recent article on it.

Here is the full feature list:

New in the P3D V4 version:

  • All code (BGLs) compiled with P3D V4 SDK, using new material options and being performance optimised to the new engine
  • All objects optimised for new shadow technology
  • Ground layout including detailed aerial image following P3DV4 SDK
  • Automatic seasonal changes of relevant 3D objects based on V4 scripting variables, also for snowfall outside winter season
  • New, individual ground adaptations to prevent steps at airport borders when using different meshes (e.g. default/FTX Global)
  • New, optimised 3D runway lighting with activation/deactivation based on time of day and weather conditions
  • Apron lamps with new effects and dynamic light
  • Changed AFCAD approaches at AirDac 1708
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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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