Aerosoft Considering Future Airbuses for MSFS

Aerosoft is looking for feedback on future Airbus development.

Aerosoft Considering Future Airbuses for MSFS

Aerosoft is considering what Airbus to develop for MSFS in the future. Over on their forums, Mathijs Kok shared some insight into the possibilities for future Airbus releases and is asking for feedback.

Aerosoft is currently developing their Airbus A330 for MSFS, but the company is already looking to the future and considering what to do after this plane is released. Mathijs detailed one the options being more engine types to the A330. Currently the plane is limited to the Rolls-Royce engine option, which was one of the single biggest points of criticism that Aerosoft received upon announcement and release of their A330. Mathijs also marks several concerns with this option. Though ‘high-end’ simmers might be interested in these additional engine options, he believes that it might not be in the best commercial interest of Aerosoft as the current customer base is not interested in it. ‘High-end customers’ are considered (previous) Prepar3D users.

Another option outlined in the forum post is the A318/A319 or A320/A321. These two Airbus packs have previously proven to be highly popular with the general simming crowd, despite some of the criticism of the planes being simplified. He does state that the smaller Airbuses appear an attractive option considering the popularity of the FlyByWire A32NX and Fenix, to a lesser extend. Aerosoft does not consider Fenix to be an important factor due to their unavailability on the MSFS Marketplace as well as focus on a different audience (simulation of the aircraft vs. simulation of the job of being a pilot).

Last, Mathijs made two statements on the Airbus A350 and A380, simply saying that these will not be developed by them. The data for the A350 is simply unavailable. As for the A380, in no uncertain terms, “Commercially that aircraft is about as interesting to us as it is for airlines”.

More From:   Aerosoft
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