In two forum posts on the Aerosoft forums, it has been announced that both Dublin and Zurich will be receiving the Professional treatment. Posted on the Aerosoft forums by Guenter Zehnel, the two products are very early in development.
Mega Airport Dublin will feature new buildings from the area, updated airport and apron layout, plus the latest technology from Prepar3D V4. The first renders available are that of the air traffic control tower. It has been confirmed that Mega Airport Dublin will also be available for previous customers as a price update as opposed to having to do a full purchase.
As for Mega Airport Zurich, details were a lot less thin on the ground. Version 3 of the Mega Airport will be complete with major building work and also changes to the airport layout. The only render for Mega Airport Zurich is of The Circle, which is below.
We imagine more news will follow from FlightSimExpo in just a few weeks time.
Be sure to follow the progress on the Aerosoft forums.