Today, Aerosoft has released Airport Stuttgart for the X Plane 11 platform. It will set you back 18.85 EUR at Simmarket.
Stuttgart airport is located in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, developed by the German Airport team and Peter Hiermeier. It’s made to look as close as possible to the real Stuttgart airport in real world. Everything – whether buildings or runways – is carefully placed to match the real airport. The ground has a photoreal texture to give you a realistic feeling.
- Uses advanced X-Plane features such as 3D spill lights
- Animated passenger boarding bridges, Safedock A-VDGSs and marshallers at all eligible gates/stands (using the freely available AutoGate plugin by Jonathan Harris)
- Complete taxiway network for use by ATC and AI aircraft
- Fully compatible with the X-Life plugin by JARDesign
- Works with the ‘Draw Parked Aircraft’ feature introduced in X-Plane 10.50
- Makes full use of the new ground service vehicles introduced in XPlane 11
- Thousands of hand-placed objects such as parked cars and streetlights
- Road network with animated traffic
- Parked cars can be turned on/off to optimize performance
- Free AutoGate plugin by Jonathan Harris for AGNIS and marshallers
To learn more take a look at Simmarket’s website and Facebook.