We recently reported on a developer by the name of Aerosky Production, who created a cool package called REALSHADE. The tool basically provided users a quick and easy way to adjust the shaders in the sim to a specific profile, without the need of tools such as PTA or TomatoShade.
This specific package from the team is to enhance your Winter flying with photoreal looking sky colours, a realistic winter atmosphere and more. It’s a small download of just 5MB for those conscious of those types of things.
You can buy it now on simMarket for the usual price of Euro 7.39. However, it’s on sale until January 17th 2019 for a price of Euro 5.17.
Full feature list:
- Realistic winter atmosphere
- Photoreal winter skycolor
- Dynamic water waves
- Realistic haze effect
- Smooth transition of lights between day and night
- Reflection on airctaft
- Smooth atmosphere tones
- Very simple installation, the installer is present
Brief Update: Slight typo on the REALSHADE section. Fixed upon community comment.