Like other developers, Aeroplane Heaven has gifted their Globe swift GC-1A to the community free of charge. In light of the current events, Aeroplane Heaven is encouraging people to stay at home and wanted to offer something to the community to help with the challenges associated.
The aircraft was designed back in the 1940s, but did not get certified until May 1946. The production of the aircraft was short-lived as it ceased to be produced in 1951. Service parts and items continued to be produced until 1979. It’s an interesting war-bird to fly with features that make it complex enough to be compelling to learn, but easy enough for anyone to pick up. The aircraft is compatible with FSX, FSX:SE and P3Dv4.
This is the full product and is simply just a download via the Aeroplane Heaven store. No codes required! Other vendors have been sent the instruction from Aeroplane Heaven to make the product free on their end, but if your favourite store hasn’t done so yet, simply head over to Aeroplane Heaven to get your freebie.
You can see what other products are being given away for free via our Stay at Home Community Hub!