A2A Aircraft Update And Rain Effect

The new generation of flight simulation is truly spectacular! With products that add thrust effects, wing vortices, realistic contrail and of course rain effects. With FSFXPackages first breaking the ice with this incredible technology, to…

A2A Aircraft Update And Rain Effect

The new generation of flight simulation is truly spectacular! With products that add thrust effects, wing vortices, realistic contrail and of course rain effects. With FSFXPackages first breaking the ice with this incredible technology, to TFDi with their rain effects, and now, A2A Simulations has updated their Cessna 172 Trainer, and Cessna 182 Skyhawk with their very own rain effect and have even released a free rain effect product for developers to add to their own aircraft. Please note that the end user cannot add these effects to aircraft. It is solely designed for developer use only.

In a recent update for these 2 aircraft, A2A have added rain effects and a hand full of smaller fixes. They also posted a few screenshots of what these rain effects look like when the aircraft is at a stand still. A2A have also created a new way of updating your aircraft as shown in the forum post. The 172 and 182 were not the only ones to receive an update but did not have the rain effects added. The Accu-Sim Bonanza 35, P-51 Mustang (Military), T-6 Texan, and the Spitfire I & II have also been given small updates.

If you have yet to purchase any of these aircraft and wish to fly them within your simulator, they are available for purchase at the A2A Simulations website. If you wish to read a full list of the change log for each aircraft, it is available on the A2A fourms.

Cessna 172 Trainer change log:

  • Added windshield rain effect.
  • Added an option to select which audio device Accu-Sim sounds are played through (‘Add-ons’ menu → ‘Accusim sound menu’).
  • Improved smoothing of cowl and glareshield.
  • Revised yoke manual electric trim rocker switch logic so it doesn’t work without electrical power.
  • Reduced AFK “emergency” low power trigger from 10 hp to 1 hp.
  • Revised AFK feature so that if the predicted time to ground contact is < 5 minutes, the sim will pause.
  • Fixed occasional autopilot runaway trim if simulator is paused.
  • Fixed bug causing 2-D map window to become wrongly-shaped.

Cessna 182 Skyhawk change log:

  • Added windshield rain effect.
  • Added an option to select which audio device Accu-Sim sounds are played through (‘Add-ons’ menu → ‘Accusim sound menu’).
  • Yoke manual electric trim rocker switch doesn’t work without electrical power.
  • Reduced AFK “emergency” low power trigger from 10 hp to 1 hp.
  • Revised AFK feature so that if the predicted time to ground contact is < 5 minutes, the sim will pause.
  • Fixed occasional runaway trim by autopilot if simulator is paused.
  • Fixed bug causing 2-D map window to become wrongly-shaped.


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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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