A2A Accu-Sim Bonanza V-Tail Preview Video

A2A have stated numerous times that their Bonanza V-Tail aircraft is close to being released and the latest from their continues to share that commitment. In the 15 minute video narrated by Scott from A2A,…

A2A Accu-Sim Bonanza V-Tail Preview Video

A2A have stated numerous times that their Bonanza V-Tail aircraft is close to being released and the latest from their continues to share that commitment. In the 15 minute video narrated by Scott from A2A, he takes you on a journey through all the features and special attributes that comes with having a V-tailed aircraft. As usual, from an A2A pre-release trailer, every detail is shown to really emphasis the impact the accu-sim engine has on these general aviation aicraft.

Scott showcases how the V-Tail design impacts the aerodynamics of the aircraft, how the long wing can impact the landing techniques pilots should use, as well as sharing that simmers will be able to change everything in the A2A maintenance hanger from oil, engine types and the in-aircraft curtains. Further to that, he revealed the new physical avionics modelling that will ensure you’re keeping a close eye on the gauges in the cockpit.

No word on release or price, but if history has taught us anything, it suggests that we’ll be seeing a release very soon. In the mean time, you can check out some more previews here.

I also suggest you stick around until the end of the video to catch that all-important visual effect that simmers crave so much.

(If you’re curious, it’s windshield effects)

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Calum Martin
Calum has been an avid fan of Flight Sim since the release of FS2000 and has developed his love for aviation ever since.
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